Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Career Worth Choosing, Part 1

by Winslow Homer, "woman and the dinner horn"
Before MH and I were married, I definitely knew that someday I'd close the "career" door in my life and open the "mom" door, and that would be that.  And it really wasn't just about knowing this, I truly wanted it, sometimes more than anything! And when it happened, with the arrival of baby #1 just 8 weeks before residency began, I was least I thought I was.

But the further I got in this life as wife of a Dr., the more I missed about my "career," primarily in regard to what I conversed about when it came to interacting with MH's colleagues.  It seemed that as we gathered at various social events, I felt like I no longer had anything worthy to contribute in conversation, apart from what my baby was doing at the time (like drooling and teething, very exciting).  I found myself falling back on what I "used" to do, whenever I was asked, "And what do you do?" Or I'd discuss ways I thought I was going to get back into my field, which, as I'm sure you've guessed, is teaching piano.

And so it went, sadly, for more than 4 years.  I say sadly, not because of the circumstance. Not because I really wished that I was back teaching piano and not a stay-at-home mom. Honestly, it was quite the contrary.  Staying at home was (and is) truly the highlight of my life, something I came to enjoy immensely.  I say sadly, because those "nothing to contribute" feelings, or perhaps even some embarrassment that I was just a stay-at-home mom, kept nagging me, when they shouldn't have.

And there's more to this story...

1 comment:

  1. Hope I'm not getting ahead of you, but I've found the reaction to my staying at home has been different with doctors and spouses well into their careers, compared with doctors in residency or just starting their careers. That's given me far more confidence to be vocal about my satisfaction with the choices we've made. Looking forward to your next installment!


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