Monday, February 14, 2011

Table Talk

I'm sure for most families, the talk around the dinner table can take some pretty unique twists and turns, depending upon the father's trade. Perhaps the cobbler has a tale or two of the man with the biggest feet who stepped into his shop today. Or perhaps the roofer's employer fell off his ladder and broke his leg. Or maybe even the produce salesmen found out he sold a bad batch of celery. Lots of interesting table conversation, to be sure.

Well so it is with our family.  For instance, you might think that a baked potato seems innocent enough; just a little spud staring up at you, ready for the knife, the butter, and the smashing.  Not much to say about it, right? Just eat it!  Oh, but not for this family--not for this father, to be more specific.
So we had baked potatoes last week, and before I knew it, MH was performing surgery on it.
"See, this is how I cut into a Mommy's tummy; just in and straight down, like so.  You want to try it?" Yep, that's definitely one way to have your table talk take a turn.  It was a bit hard to swallow that particular potato after all that imagery, but the girls seemed amused.

Thus it is for a doctor's wife--the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and perhaps I'll never look at another baked potato in the same way.

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