Sunday, January 9, 2011

Learning to Adjust, part one...

Over the years as a Dr's wife, I've found myself in settings completely out of my comfort zone.  For instance, hospitals, rooms full of Dr's, rooms full of Dr's spouses, residency parties, etc.  On many occasion I've been sort of "forced" to engage in conversation, or I've chosen to slip off in my own little world, chase my toddler around, and subtly elbow my husband that I want to go home.

Recently, however, I've been trying to come to grips with this sense of discomfort, this idea that I don't have anything to offer to this particular group of people, or just to the feeling of being really out of place.  Now just so you know, my husband is really great at boosting my confidence, and he loves it when I attend functions with him.  But even then, many a time he's whisked away for this conversation, to meet this person, or to MC the event or participate on the podium.  So often, by default, I'm left wondering which way to go, which person to talk to, etc, etc. This is just a hunch, but I think I might not be the only Dr's wife who feels this way.

But I want to embrace my husband's world, not just accompany him. I want to make an impact on the people I meet, not just converse with them to pass the time. So how do I embark on this mission? What does it look like in real life? Well, that's for another post.

P.S. For the sake of my point I may have exaggerated just a bit; I have definitely had some good and memorable memories interracting with people in my husband's world. Indeed, I've made some endearing, life-long friends in the process. But that too is for another post.

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