Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Trip and a Challenge (learning to adjust, part three)

It may seem to you that I'm a real stick in the mud. That I never want to interact with my husband's world. But I do! I'm just being honest here about the internal challenges that come up and how I work through them. If it were a breeze I'd have nothing to write about.

So, my husband and I were planning a trip to paradise, combined with a conference he had to attend, and I had been looking forward to this for a year...the freedom, the weather, the water, no kids, no responsibilities, no schedules, not to mention time with him. And then an opportunity to spend a morning with the spouses came up...and once again, I was faced with some options.

There's more than what meets the eye here though. The first level of all this is the fear that comes to me when I'm placed in a new environment, on my own, with new people, no securities. But underneath it all, I was facing a spiritual crisis too. Does God only want me to live for Him when I'm at home? Am I really granted a vacation from opportunities to share my faith with others? What if He is opening up a door for me to build relationships with people in my husband's world, who I more than likely will see again?

And so this battle raged back and forth in my heart, and finally, I made a decision. I told my husband the next day that I would be meeting up with the spouse's for the event. He was kind of surprised, but I explained. I told him I didn't want to pretend that I could live in two worlds, one world of reality, where I "preach" that we should live out the Gospel in our everyday life, and one world of "vacation," where I do my own thing. God had really convicted me to take this opportunity seriously, and to pray about people I might meet and how I could be bold in my conversation.

Not to mention, how I could join my husband's world and not just accompany him.
And the story continues...

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